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Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Kakaban Island, East Borneo, Indonesia

Kakaban island has an area 774,2 hectares and it was situated in Derawan Islands Subdistrict, Derawan, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. Kakaban Island attract tourists abroad with some of its uniqueness, one of which is the island's Lakes are Lake Kakaban. Who at the Lake is filled by a mixture of rainwater and seepage of sea water from the pores of the soil and create a different endemic habitats on most other Lake District in the world, but there's one more Kakaban Lake Lake with brackish water, namely in the Palau Islands, Micronesia.


Lake Kakaban, sea water is trapped on the islands of Kakaban, coupled with water from the ground and rain water since 2 million years ago. The Lake is a prehistoric Lake that Sangalaki times inbetween Holosin. The vastness of approximately 5 km², walled 50-metre-high cliff, resulting in sea water could no longer caught out, into the Lake. Administratively, the Lake area include Kakaban Berau, East Kalimantan. In the world, a place like this is only found on the Islands of Palau, Micronesia in the South Pacific Ocean. Sangalaki Island thus is the only island in Indonesia, which has a Lake at its Center.

Kakaban Island, one of the Derawan Islands cluster was nominated as a world heritage area. For those of you interested in the nautical tourism, the area that has an area 774,2 hectares population and diversity of jellyfish are most abundant in the world, namely the four unique species of jellyfish that do not sting. The island is surrounded by high cliffs, West of the outer banks are drinks wide lowland meters which consists of rocks. From the plain of coral that can be docked, of course with the bathing suit and swim snorkling equipment toward the Mainland. 


Some parts of mainland rocks are still covered with shallow sea water about 30 cm. in the puddles were a bunch of small fish the size of a tiny bright green surrounding coral. At the foot of the cliff there is a wooden staircase uphill and then downhill is 120 metres, lead you into the lake behind the Hill. This ladder is made of meranti wood right and on the left the staircase looks lush mangroves (Rhizophora) interspersed with tropical trees of other genera of the towering form of mangrove forests, such as tanjang (Bruguiera), apiapi (Avicennia), and sonneratia (Sonneratia). 


It ranks third among the top dive destination as the world standard and make it as a dream island for divers.Kakaban Island these tourists can do a variety of activities such as Diving, you can see various types of fish such as shark, Dugong dugong, barracuda or fish, green turtles and so on, swimming, Snorkeling, fishing, walks along the coast of mengitara Island, Observes green turtles, enjoy a culinary tour with a variety of food options, shopping for a variety of souvener made from seafood.

Kakabani Island to head for these travelers can head derawan beforehand and then aboard the boat for 45 minutes to this island of sangalaki.

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